So it turns out that I'm a fascist. Reading my own previous posts, I don't think I represented my own fascist tendencies very well, but since fascism is integral to Islam, that must be my mistake. American neoconservatives can teach a Muslim so much about his religion.
The claim, which is being popularized on American campuses during "Islamofascism week," is offered in both overt and subtle, sophisticated forms. The pro-war media and political establishment have been eager to push this idea of "Naming the Enemy" – Giuliani tried (unsuccessfully) to make it the centrepiece of his Republican nomination campaign. Naming the enemy is of prime importance, because if you don't, people might start to suppose that IT DOESN'T EXIST.
This article, the supposed transcript of a "symposium" held by David Horowitz's right-wing think tank and blog, provided a forum in which the argument could be made, in all its absurd circular glory, with a straight face. One of the participants is quite likely a fictional character, as his "Muslim Reform Movement" has no actual Muslim members (although it does have some Republican bloggers on board), and there is no record of his existence that is unrelated to the group's blog – most of which blithely echos the terminology and causes celèbres of Christian Zionists and the American conservative blogosphere. Among the anti-Islam luminaries present (or at least, participating, since it's not clear if they actually met), was former CIA case officer and "war on terror" scaremonger Bruce Tefft, who put it best (presumably with a straight face).
TEFFT: "My view is a bit more simplistic, and at the same time an amalgam of the rest of the panel. Islam is indeed fascistic in that it is (like National Socialism, Communism and Fascism) both totalitarian and posits an absolute superiority of Muslims over non-Muslims. This is demonstrated in the Islamic system of dhimmitude and the second class citizenship of kuffars who, if not killed or converted, are forced to pay the 'jizya' - the infidel poll tax.
The problem with using the term Islamofascist though is that it implies there is a difference in Islam between fascist Muslims and non-fascist Muslims -- and this is misleading and therefore a disservice to our war effort. As the later Suras of the Koran indicate, Islam is to dominate the world, jihad is an obligation if not a duty of all Muslims, and all non-Muslims are to be converted, enslaved or killed.
As you know, the later Suras abrogate any contradictory earlier ones of "peace, love, and tolerance". Given that the first duty of every Muslim, as an article of faith, is to accept the Koran as the literal word of Allah, is it possible for so-called 'moderate Muslims' to pick and choose which part of the Koran they will adhere to? To reject parts of the Koran? My understanding is that if a Muslim rejects the Koran he is rejecting Islam and Allah and is an apostate."
It's the perfect strawman:
"We need to be honest here, the enemy is Islam, since all Muslims are, by definition, fascist."
"What about me, I'm a good Muslim."
"Good in what way?"
"I'm not a fascist."
"Well, then you're not a Muslim either."
"But I am!"
"Impossible. Didn't you hear me? Muslims are, by definition, fascists."
"But I don't believe in fascism."
"Good, then I've no quarrel with you."
"-- because you're not a Muslim!"
"Oh. . . I'm not?"
"Well, are you a fascist?"
"Then Q.E.D. You're not Muslim."
"Jeepers Mr. Neoconservative Blogger. You are so wise about the world. How do you know so much about being Muslim?"
"Are you kidding me? I've spent years studying you people. Years and years of study."
Of course, this leaves us with relatively few options regarding what to do about the world. We can't make peace with a billion devoted fascists, can we? And since Muslims are, kinda sorta attached to that whole Islam thing, we can't exactly expect them to abandon it, either.
So here's the plan: We'll tell everyone else what a bunch of fascists they are, and what a threat they pose, and bomb the more threatening bits judiciously, and most importantly, make sure that they understand the choice – you are either with us, or against us. You are either going to fight Islam, or you are ready to join the Muslims/Islamofascists. That way, more and more of them will stream over to our side, and we will have world peace.
It would be funnier if people weren't actually trying it.

Let me start by saying that all human beings were brought into existence by the same Creator who brought the entire universe into existence.
There is only ONE Creator.
Humanity is one family, and we each have a responsibility to do everything we can to make sure that those around us have food, shelter, clothing, medical attention, and education.
I learned about the Unity of G-d and the kinship of humanity from my Jewish mother. I learned more details by studying Torah and by making its 613 mitzvoth the central focus of my life.
While I accept you as a human being, and would honestly do what I can to help you live as such, I cannot accept you as a Muslim.
Not because of prejudice and irrational hatred, but from direct experience with Muslims, from carefully studying the texts that you claim are divinely inspired, and from studying the real history of Islam.
Islam bases itself in Torah and incorporates many ideas from the Midrash. To deny this is to deny essential facts about Islam.
But Islam teaches exactly the opposite of Torah.
Many of us see how Islam has dealt with the populations it subjugates.
Jews, in particular, are singled out for especially harsh treatment.
This is coming from your texts and your history not from our imagination.
We see that the form of government that Islam forces on others is indistinguishable from what is called Fascism.
It doesn't matter that the Christians and the Communists also have forced this kind of authoritarianism and intolerance on others. It is simply wrong. And it is against the Torah.
While you will almost certainly continue deluding yourself about your beliefs, the facts of history stand as a horrible testimony to the truth about Islam.
You and all followers of Islam make hatred of Jews and other non-Muslims the central feature of your activity.
It's a pity that you do such things, but we must accept the truth about Islam no matter how horrible it is.
By its own actions, Islam proves itself to be a racist and fascist system whose temporary success is due not to the Koran but to the OIL that lies under the sands of the Abrahamian desert.
You and all who follow Islam have declared war on us, and you continue to reaffirm your determination to wipe us off the face of the earth.
Don't be surprised when you end up losing everything, exactly as did the Nazis in 1945, with whom you share too many similarities to ignore.
Am Yisrael Chai!
And there goes Godwin's law.
What do you mean by "Islam teaches exactly the opposite of the Torah?"
I don't suspect all Jews of involvement in a plot to wipe out the other peoples of the Holy Land, one can easily read that into Exodus if one wants. I don't believe that most Jews want to stone adulterers or amputate those who work on the Sabbath, but you can find those things too. Every element of "Fascism" that you can find in Islam, I can find for you in Judaism.
But true Judaism has nothing to do with Fascism, because it is not derived just from a self-serving reading of the text, but from sincere contemplation of them.
Just because Muslims have treated other peoples badly does not mean that this is condoned by Islam. The institutions of "jizya" and "dhimmi" that the anti-Islam type drone on about are examples of how medieval Islam was more just towards minorities than its contemporaries - the policies of the Romans (feed the Christians to the lions) or the Catholics (expel all the Jews) were the contemporary alternatives.
Today we have a more comprehensive understanding of human rights, and just because governments in the Muslim world don't respect them doesn't mean that they are acting on behalf of Islam - quite the opposite.
I have no idea what you mean by the "temporary success" of Islam. As a distinct religious practice it has existed for over a millennium before the Arabs found oil.
As I said at the end of the post, your world view, if it is allowed to become prescriptive, will only cause more suffering, because rather than trying impress upon others (both Muslims and non-Muslims) the need for mutual acceptance and a more enlightened outlook, you simply wish to reject each and every Muslim man, woman, and child as your enemy.
This is not new, we've seen it before, and it never wins.
(as an aside, the use of the term "fascism" for the puritanical schools of Islamic thought denotes a profound misunderstanding of either or both. Islam is still devoted to what Nietzche called "slave morality" - the notion that the strong have an obligation to the weak, and not the other way around. If you accept that the strong have an obligation to serve the weak, which is reaffirmed all through the Qur'an and Sunnah, then you cannot be a fascist.)
You're a pretty clever fellow, but you're just chasing your tail, son. Playing sophomoric word games with tu quoque being your only defense and a strong dose of post-modern Feminism symbolic reversal that must keep your average American victims in a swoon.
While there were, indeed, some wicked Kings of Judah and of Israel, the fact is that Torah does not allow us to treat non-Jews with the disdain that Muslims treat non-Muslims. Torah requires that we have one law for everybody, and that's exactly what happened during the reign of the genuine King, David and his son Solomon.
When we establish the Malchut (may it be swiftly and soon), you'll find that this egalitarianism and tolerance will once again be the dominant theme.
There is no such egalitarianism to be found in the Koran.
Islamic history shows quite clearly that domination, subjugation, oppression, mysogyny, racism, and theft are the warp and woof of the Muslim gestalt. This was true in the 7th Century, and it is true today, as anyone can see by simply reading the open-source news.
Your Koran-mandated lying to non-Muslims won't work, and you're going to find a growing number of people who are hip to your tricks.
99% of the terrorist operations going on in the world are being organized, funded, and conducted by Muslims.
Islam is permanently stuck in the 7th Century, and your Humpty-Dumpty declarations about history can't change this horrible fact.
ISLAM IS FASCISM and it cannot be allowed to come to power in countries such as America where people have learned to live in genuine peace and tolerance.
If, in another 400 years or so, if Islam survives what is about to happen to it and gets around to having some kind of honest reform, we can consider other measures.
For now, you and your fellow Muslims leave us no choice but to resist you, to fight you, and to return every blow you give us with a hundred.
Follow John Lennon's advice and "join the Human race."
The Proud Islamist said...
"What do you mean by "Islam teaches exactly the opposite of the Torah?"
It's really quite simple. Islam did not come from God as the Torah did, and eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, and the Good News (Gospel) of His coming did in the New Testament.
Islam is a deception straight from Satan's bowels.
In every instance found in the Holy Bible concern the intial interaction between the angel (messenger) Gabriel and a human being, Gabriel's first words to them are "Be not afraid."
Mohammed and his legacy Qur'an would have us believe that Gabriel found it necessary to impart the Word of God upon Muhammed by nearly choking the illiterate Arab to death.
Gabriel as recounted in Islamic texts is clearly, unambiguously an impostor spirit which had or has no connection with the Creator of the Universe.
Islam is NOT the word of God.
And Allah is NOT the One True God.
Muhammed was a false prophet.
The message of the false moon god Allah in the Qur'an is exactly the opposite of the message of the real God found in the Holy Bible.
Thus, Islam is nothing to be "proud of." Those who espouse the tenets of Islam merely propagate satanic lies and deceptions.
Mr. Martin: That wasn't "Tu Quoque" - because I didn't accuse you of anything in return. What I did point out is that you are making the same mistake that so many anti-Semites make when they attack Judaism - they imagine or invent a doctrine that Jews don't believe in, and then make this the basis for violence and persecution.
I don't believe that you consume the blood of gentile children. Why would you assume that I am part of some global Muslim conspiracy to deceive and dominate the world?
I could give a point-by-point refutation of everything else written below, but, having read your blog, I can see that you believe in an Israel that rules from the Nile to the Euphrates. Now who's advocating the plot to conquer and subjugate?
Mr. Osborne: Your argument is "The Bible says so." Irrefutable.
Looks like you've got yourself a couple of trolls. I suggest not feeding them.
99% of the ongoing terrorism operations around the world are planned, financed, and conducted by MOSLEMS.
You are a collaborator in these operations.
This isn't about what YOU say, or about how you WISH Islam were, but about what Islam DOES and IS.
The Islamic media here in Israel is full of hate. Every day, all day. Even children's programs teach this hate. Popular music also manages to incorporate messages instructing Muslims to keep killing us until we don't exist any longer.
Use that shiny brain of yours and educate yourself to the truth
Ongoing terror operations, often wrongly chalked up as routine crime, continue EVERY DAY.
There is no historical evidence for your assertions of a peaceful nonviolent Islam.
There is ample current and past history demonstrating that Islam teaches hate, practices murder, oppresses women, and follows a fascist system of government.
Torah is the foundation upon which Christians and Muslims attempt to establish their legitimacy. Since there is no truth to their claims, both have resorted to violence against Jews in an effort to silence us. Neither have succeeded.
Nowhere in our traditions will you find a desire to conquer the entire world. We will eventually (may it be soon) establish a Commonwealth that stretches from the Nile to the Euphrates. But it won't be accomplished by the terrorism and slaughter that you peace loving Muslims are so fond of.
Emily, baby... You're looking in the mirror.
The Proud Islamist said...
"Mr. Osborne: Your argument is "The Bible says so." Irrefutable."
Irrefutable? Yes, you are exactly correct, the Word of God is irrefutable. But not specifically because "the Bible says so", but rather because God, Jesus Messiah and the Holy Spirit have said so.
Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life - for all mankind, but in these Last Days particularly for a Muslim to discover, before it is too late, the one true God, and not the impostor "allah."
Your own words on the subject of Jesus Messiah will determine whether you spend eternity ih Heaven or in Hell with Satan.
If You declare that Jesus was not the Son of God, that He was not crucified on the Cross for the sins of all mankind, that He did not die nor rise again to life on the third day - then you are assured of an eternity in hell.
Not because the Bible says so - but because God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have said so.
The words of the Qur'an and the hadith prove this, but many Muslims are too dense and deceived to understand these truths.
Sura Maryam confirms that Jesus was born to the virgin Mary, itself a miracle of God, as a "fautless son."
Fautless? Yes faultless as in SINLESS. And Jesus lived his entire human existence as sinless as He was in birth... until He took on the sins of the whole world - the sins of all who lived before Him and all who will live until Judgement Day - and died on the cross with those sins. So that whosoever believes in Him, in His sacrifice shall have life ever lasting.
No jihad, no submission to "allah" is necessary - just your individual acceptance of their own free will of who Jesus was, and what He did for you.
Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith, Hadith 4.506, narrated by Abu Huraira reads: "The Prophet said, 'When any human being is born, Satan touches him at both sides of the body with his two fingers, except Jesus, the son of Mary, whom Satan tried to touch but failed...
Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith, Hadith 4.641, narrated by Said bin Al Musaiyab: Abu Huraira said, "I heard Allah's Apostle saying, 'There is none born among the off-spring of Adam, but Satan touches it. A child therefore, cries loudly at the time of birth because of the touch of Satan, except Mary and her child."
Even Satan cannot deny Jesus is the Messiah for all mankind - so why do you?
PA TV Bunny Rabbit Threatens to 'Eat the Jews'
by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz
( The latest TV character created to incite Palestinian Authority children to anti-Semitism, Islamic triumphalism and violence has debuted on a popular show produced by Hamas.
The character is a cute rabbit who aspires to finish off the Jews and eat them.
The rabbit's name is Assoud, which translates as "lions," and he has come from Lebanon "in order to return to the homeland and liberate it," according to the Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) organization, which translated the
"I, Assoud, will finish off the Jews and eat them."
In a PA children's program called Tomorrow's Pioneers, a young girl hostess asks the new character, "Why is your name Assoud, since you are a rabbit?"
Assoud replies: "A rabbit is a [term] for a bad person and coward. And I, Assoud, will finish off the Jews and eat them."
"Allah Willing!" the girl exclaims.
Mr. Martin: Thank you for that piece of news. I was very surprised to find out that after 50 years of occupation and dispossession, a large number of Palestinians have developed a hatred of Jews.
Keep me posted of other shocking developments.
Mr. Osborne: That's also very interesting. It's funny that you think Satan wants us to believe in Jesus.
This is why we at The Proud Islamist were so ecstatic to have you two on board: so that you could embarrass yourselves.
And 1,428 years of Islamic murder, tyranny, slavery, and subjugation only elicits your admiration.
"Only Islamic clerics sanction the murder of women who have been raped.
Only Islamic clerics issue murderous fatwas, celebrate murder of artists, and mobilize sword-wielding men to demand death for a female teacher who allowed children to name a teddy bear 'Mohammed'.
Only Islam proudly exhibits videos of throat-cutters torturing helpless victims."
What you do to others will eventually be done to you. May it be swiftly and soon.
Modern Islam: A Culture Of Crybabies
EDITORIAL, Oct 28 (VNN) — Note:The following is about modern politicized Islam and should not be misunderstood as an attack against the Original Islam of Mohammed the Prophet.
India and Pakistan, Taiwan and China, Israel and Saudi Arabia. Three multi-ethnic Democracies and three tyrannical Dictatorships. Who does America Support? Pakistan instead of India, China instead of Taiwan, and Saudi Arabia above and beyond Israel.
“Its time the world realized that Islamic extremism was extreme before the modern state of Israel existed.”
The current struggle needs to be seen beyond the Arab-Israeli conflict, otherwise the global threat can not be ascertained. Kashmir is not Palestinian yet. Saudi Arabia supports the terror campaign against India. It is no surprise that India and Israel have united against Islamic extremism. Both recognise, that if the other did not exist, they would be the sole targets of Islamic aggression.
Its time the world realized that Islamic extremism was extreme before the modern state of Israel existed. Just look to the Islamic treatment of India for confirmation.
(Firuz Shah Tughlak (1351-1388), who has an avenue named after him in New Delhi, wrote: 'On the day of a Hindu festival, I went there myself, ordered the executions of all the leaders and practitioners of this abomination; I destroyed their idols and temples to build mosques in their places.')
TPI wrote...
"Mr. Osborne: That's also very interesting. It's funny that you think Satan wants us to believe in Jesus.
It's rather surprising for me to learn that your comprehension of the English language is of such a decumbent level. It's surprising since you're apparently just a run-of-the-mill Muslim wannabe who in reality is nothing more than a rank and file Lefty elitist who believes his worldview is the most enlightened on the planet.
You're a fake.
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