I'm fairly certain that nobody advising Stéphane Dion, Jack Layton, or Elizabeth May reads this blog. That said, if they were, here is what I would tell them.
1. Wrap yourselves in the flag, and question Harper's patriotism.
2. Support a vision of Canada as a bilingual, multicultural society, and force the Conservatives to prove that they support it too.
3. Recycle Harper's academic and lobbying past, and remind everybody what and whom he worked for. Run pictures of him whining to the US Congress about how awful Canada is.
4. Don the mantle of Tommy Douglas, and bring back the religious left.
5. Don't bother trying to prove that you "Support the Troops." Prove to everyone that the Conservatives really don't.
Finally a little bit of individualized advice for a) Dion:
You aren't Sarah Palin. You aren't even Jean Chrétien. You are a more like a mild-mannered version of Pierre Trudeau. Don't apologize for that, and don't force yourself to pretend otherwise.
and b) Layton:
Yours is not the party of big money. Bay Street hates you above all. Most people, however, have a legitimate reason to hate Bay street. Exploit that.

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