Wednesday, October 13, 2010

And now for something completely different. . .

I am aware that the content of this blog can be a little bit . . . negative. So let me share with you my own feelings of elation today at a story which has no dark underbelly.

Regardless of how this came about, regardless of what will happen next, I don't think there is a human being on this earth who didn't feel a little pang of relief at hearing that the last miner was out.

In 2000, when the Russian submarine Kursk was reported to be sitting at the bottom of the ocean, the news that all of the survivors of the initial explosion had asphyxiated was profoundly saddening for me. For some reason, I had some special sympathy for all those young men sitting in the dark at the bottom of the sea, waiting for a rescue that ultimately never came. When I heard that 33 miners were trapped at the bottom of a collapsed mine in Chile, I feared a similar result.

Alhamdulillah, this time we got a happy ending.

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