Sunday, July 15, 2007

The fascinating world of Anti-Islam

Recently, I've developed a morbid fascination with Anti-Islam blogs and websites. Some might use the term Islamophobia, but as the Wikipedia Talk Page on the subject illustrates, the term is so relative that by itself it is probably as meaningless as the term "Islamist" is (in its current popular usage, that is).

Consequently, I'm settling on Anti-Islam, since that is, after all, what these sites are about. You may have seen them - they throw around terms like dhimmi and jihad, and try to sound impressive in their familiarity with Islamic discourse by chucking in Arabic words that the average Muslim has likely never even heard. Some of them are by avowed Zionists, others by disgruntled ex-Muslims with a chip on their shoulder and some spare change for a domain name.

The basic thesis: Islam is an inherently dangerous ideology bent on bloodthirsty warfare with the ultimate aim of global domination and worldwide totalitarian oppression. As a consequence of this conclusion they propose that Muslims must be persuaded away from it, and that anyone who defends it should be declared an enemy.

Are they hate speech? Should they be shut down? Yes to the first, no to the second.

I say this because in my perusal of their content I have learned a great deal about my religion - because every time I see their sites, I check their claims against the Qur'an, and, fairly reliably, am forced to look up from the pages and reflect upon the volume of garbage that can be so easily put on the Internet.

One could easily dispute the claims they make point-by-point, starting with the simple fact that the Qur'an makes no commands to unprovoked violence, and repeatedly encourages the Muslims to relent in pursuing their aggressors.

This is fine for them, however, for their goal is not, primarily, to convert the Muslim millions (most of whom don't read English, when they can read at all) - their target audience is tolerant Westerners. More important to the Anti-Islam crowd than their "debunking" of Islam, is their desire to "prove" that not only is their understanding of Islam the "correct" one, but that it is the one the Muslims subscribe to.

It is easier to persuade your countrymen to inflict slaughter when you can convince them that their victims are really avowed combatants.

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