Saturday, December 8, 2007

Layers of Meaning

While randomly flipping through, looking for something else.

"The likeness of the life
Of the Present is
As the rain which We
Send down from the skies:
By its mingling arises
The produce of the earth --
Which provides food
For men and animals:
(It grows) till the earth
Is clad with its golden
Ornaments and is decked out
(In beauty): the people to whom
It belongs think they have
All powers of disposal over it:
There reaches it Our command
By night or by day,
And We make it
Like a harvest clean-mown,
As if it had not flourished
Only the day before!
Thus do We explain
The Signs in detail
For those who reflect."

--Qur'an, 10:24. Trans.: A. Yusuf Ali (1938).

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Kelly said...

I like this one a lot. Thank you for posting it. It definitely reflects more of your positivity doesn't it.

The Proud Islamist said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Proud Islamist said...

(Whoops, deleted my comment)

I dunno about that . . . to me it reads as an admonition.

We are used to walking around on this earth, enjoying our prosperity as if we were primarily responsible for it, being oh-so-smart.

We, as individuals, communities, nations, don't always realize that what underlies the beauty that surrounds us is more complex than we fathom, and that despite our attempts at control, we are largely just along for the ride. We also don't appreciate just how abruptly our easy ride could end.

It is also a view of human life itself and the human tendency to become absorbed with its temporary pleasures.

There are probably other interpretations.