Sunday, April 6, 2008

Goods 4 Girls

Some of you may remember me waxing wroth about Proctor and Gamble's new exploitive marketing campaign, to persuade women to buy their women's hygiene products by saying that the proceeds would go to distributing the same in remote African villages.

Obviously, I'm not the only one who noticed the problem. As a result, a new international health initiative has been started, in partnership with Kenyan and Ugandan community organizations. Goods 4 Girls plans to address the same problems with hygiene and girls' education through solutions that are sensitive to community needs and capacities, and do not leave those communities dependent on environmentally hazardous imported products.

These enterprising, globally-minded people saw a problem and did something about it.

You can donate or volunteer to help by clicking on the button below.

Goods for Girls

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Kelly said...

Thanks for posting this.

Anonymous said...
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