Monday, September 1, 2008

The Story of Polio in Pakistan

Or. . . "What Happens to Muslim Societies in the Absence of Disciplined Islamic Scholarship."

From Dawn: Sindh, Northern Areas and FATA described as polio nurseries
From The Guardian (Feb 2007): Polio cases jump in Pakistan as clerics declare vaccination an American plot
From IslamOnline (Feb 2007): Pakistani fatwa boosts polio vaccination

Not that I'm a fan of Pakistan's MMA party, but unfortunately, no one else was available to be the adult in the room, and in the absence of even questionably qualified authorities, people look to whatever self-appointed preacher happens to be around.

The good news, however, is that if the four remaining affected countries (Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and Nigeria) keep making progress, most of you reading this will live to polio go the way of smallpox before it.

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