Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Spam of the Elders of Zion*

Wow. Now they're getting desperate.

Meanwhile, Ha'aretz's Gideon Lichfield explains why Zionists are losing the PR war in Europe against people who seem to "barely even know what a spokesman is, let alone be able to provide one who is available when he needs to be and knows anything about what is actually going on."

And so when the question the world is asking is not "who's right?" but "what works?" the consistent impression Israel leaves is that it kills people because, at best, it simply doesn't have any better ideas, and at worst, because some Israeli leader is trying to get the upper hand on one of his or her rivals. And no amount of hasbara can make that look good.

*For all those of you inhaling deeply in preparation for screaming "anti-semiiiiiiiiiiite" at me: yes, I know that the Protocols were a work of fiction.

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