Sunday, April 5, 2009

Application to the Office of Miscellaneous Services

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your interest in our programme, reference #J148TK. As there is high demand for J148TK, we would ask you to file the following 32-page application forms at least 9 months in advance of your need for the services. In the event of an emergency, please describe the nature of the emergency on page 6G and file a minimum of 3 months in advance of your needs.

Be sure to attach appendices A-K, as applicable. There will be a surcharge for unnecessary or wrongly filled appendices, in addition to the $300 non-refundable application fee. Attach cheque or postal money order. The surcharge fee must arrive at our office before your application, in order to ensure timely processing and return to you. The surcharge, however, is refundable, provided that you fill out Appendix L and send it to us exactly 17 business days before the rest of your application arrives. Forms that do not arrive on this date will be disregarded, and an additional surcharge will be applied.

You should attach a photograph that is twice as long and 1.64 times as wide as that seen on a Canadian Passport, notarized in both official languages. Printouts are not acceptable. Unilingual notarization is unacceptable, except for foreign businesses with operations in the Former Yugoslavia. We suggest that you seek out a bilingual notary in advance of filing your application.

Please ensure that your immunizations are up to date and that you are immune to Varicella, Tetanus, Rabes, and Ebola. Documentation of this, with the seal of two physicians, a public health nurse, and a chemotherapy patient will be required. Although we recognise that Ebola outbreaks are rare amongst participants in J148TK, we need to cover our asses, and we know you understand. If you are currently carrying, or have carried, Bubonic Plague, then please file Appendix M. If you have not carried Bubonic Plague, then we encourage you to file a concurrent application to Programme #J148TL, to maximize your chances of success. Please see the responsible office (Miscellaneous Services Office) for more details.

Please also attach a detailed Curriculum Vitae, with references to past experiences in the following areas: Public Sector Experience, Private Sector Experience, Selected Publications, and Ice Fishing Experience. Please provide a verifier for each of these experiences, with an attached photograph and signed affidavit. For Ice Fishing, the provision of a dead fish by courier with a photograph of the fateful moment is acceptable. Please ensure that the fish is not enclosed with the rest of the application, and to save us the stench, please do not file more than 12 months in advance of your needs.

Otherwise, a surcharge will be applied.

For further information, please dial the number available by following the labyrinth of links on an unrelated, unspecified website.

The Office of Miscellaneous Services.

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